Англи хэл-IELTS

www.IELTS.org = International English Language Testing System шалгалт нь Англи, Австрали, Ирланд, Шотланд, Шинэ Зеланд, Өмнөд Африк зэрэг орнуудад хүлээн зөвшөөрөгддөг. Гэхдээ АНУ, Канадын ихэнх сургуулиуд мөн хүлээн зөвшөөрдөг юм.

Австралийн Их Сургуулиуд TOEFL-н оноог хүлээн зөвшөөрдөг боловч Австралийн элчин нь ихэнх төрлийн Оюутны визэнд IELTS 5.0+ оноог шаарддаг. Хэрэв та англи хэлтэй улсад 2-с дээш жил суралцаж боловсролын зэрэг авч чадсан тохиолдолд эсвэл ibT – TOEFL-н 77-с дээш буюу IELTS 6.5+-тай тэнцэх TOEFL-н оноотой бол АйЭЛТС-н оноогүйгээр Австралийн оюутны виз авах нь бий.

Ta TOEFL-н өндөр оноогүй бөгөөд Австралид хэлний курсээс бусад төрлөөр суралцах бодолтой яваа бол IELTS шалгалтыг заавал өгөхийг хичээгээрэй. Танд амжилт хүсье. -> More about English Exam & Skills level

IELTS | Preparing-your-english | 3. English-in-australia | Tanhil.mn: Англи хэл сурах
АйЭЛТС 6,5 авах: IELTS (general) Experience | IELTS (academic) Experience
IBT TOEFL vs IELTS: Eng Exams and Skill Level | IELTS books on Asuult.net
IELTS e-books Uploaded | Aнгли хэлийг яаж сурвал дээр вэ | For all English Learners
IELTS-н электрон ном емайлээр ҮНЭГҮЙ авах хүмүүс gegeen@gegeen.com -д хандаарай.
More about IELTS(Academic) vs TOEFL:
4.5 = 450,
5.0_5.5_6.0 = 500_530_550,
6.5 = 577,
7.0 = 600
: More about English Exam & Skills level
7 – Сайн. Англи хэлийг ашиглах түвшин сайн. Гэсэн хэдий ч зарим тохиолдолд нягт нямбай бус байдал, оновчгүй снголт, ойлгоогүй байдлаасаа болж алдаа гаргадаг. Аливаа зүйлийн нарийн учир шалтгааныг цогц байдлаар нь ойлгох чадварыг эзэмшсэн.
6 – Чадварлаг. Нягт нямбай бус байдал, оновчгүй сонголт, дутуу ойлгох хандлага бий ч харилцааны ерөнхий түвшин сайн, нийтлэг тохиолддог нийлмэл өгүүлбэрүүдийг ойлгох, хэрэглэх чадвар сайн.
5 – Энгийн. Англи хэлний зарим чадваруудыг эзэмшсэн, ихэнх тохиолдолд асуудлыг ерөнхийд нь ойлгодог, хэдий тийм боловч багагүй алдаа гаргадаг. Өөрийн мэдэх салбарт энгийн түвшний суурь харилцааны чадваруудыг эзэмшсэн.
IELTS Test Center in Mongolia: http://www.ielts.org/testcenterMN

Official website of ESPF Institute: http://www.esp.mn/
ESP Institute
IELTS Administrator
Central Post Office
Box 840

Tel: +976 11 319168 / +976 11 324313 / +976 99864183
Fax: +976 11 319168
Email: ielts@esp.mn
Web: http://www.esp.mn

Test Fee: GBP62.96 (US$119, at exchange rate of 1.89).

Date / Academic / General Training
30-Aug-2008 Test available Test available
25-Oct-2008 Test available Test available
13-Dec-2008 Test available Test available

For all English Learners

Cambridge IELTS books | Popular 200 words | Aнгли хэлийг яаж сурвал дээр вэ
http://etoefl.wordpress.com/ | English Listening: http://esl-lab.com/
202 Useful Exercises for IELTS | 101 helpful hints for IELTS
Prepare for the IELTS Listening
Vacuum Surgalt-Language immersion programme: business-talk-on-olloo

From Mongolians For English Learners:

Other-english-learners | English-beginners
Best-english-courses | English-study-books/
ielts-vs-toefl | ielts-experience | IELTS-TOEFL-TOEIC-GMAT-SAT-MCAT
learning-english | preparing-your-english
english-learning-3 | ielts-requirements-visa-or-uni
Hel surahad aviyas hereggui: Learning English 2


Listening ACADEMIC Reading GENERAL Reading
40-39 = 9.0 40-39 = 9.0 40 = 9.0
38-37 = 8.5 38-37 = 8.5 39 = 8.5
36-35 = 8.0 36-36 = 8.0 38-37 = 8.0
34-33 = 7.5 34-33 = 7.5 36 = 7.5
32-30 = 7.0 30-32 = 7.0 35-34 = 7.0
29-27 = 6.5 29-27 = 6.5 33-32 = 6.5
23-26 = 6.0 23-26 = 6.0 30-31 = 6.0
20-22 = 5.5 19-22 = 5.5 29 – 27= 5.5
16-19 = 5.0 15-18 = 5.0 23-26 = 5.0
20-22 = 4.5
15-19 = 4.0

Academic IELTS -> For people who want to study in australia
General IELTS -> For people who want to live and work in australia
Review your visa application’s language requirement and application purpose
http://www.liveinaustralia.com/home/visa_assessments.asp -> Free online visa assessment

There is a choice of Reading and Writing modules according to whether a candidate is taking the Academic or General Training version of the Test:

Academic: For candidates taking the test for entry into undergraduate or postgraduate studies or professional reasons

General Training: For candidates taking the test for entry to vocational or training programmes not at degree level, for admission to secondary schools and for immigration purposes

* Listening: 4 Sections, 40 Items, 30 Minutes

Academic Reading: 3 Sections, 40 Items, 60 Minutes
General Training Reading: 3 Sections, 40 Items, 60 Minutes

Academic Writing: 2 Tasks 60 Minutes
General Training Writing: 2 Tasks 60 Minutes

Speaking: 11 to 14 minutes

Total Test Time: 2 hours 44 minutes


Англи Хэлний Шалгалтууд ба Хэлний төвшин

From: UK Mongols are answering



0 – 250 0 – 310 0 – 30 0 – 8 0 – 1


310 – 343 33 – 60 9 – 18 1 – 1.5


255 – 400 347 – 393 63 – 90 19 – 29 2 – 2.5


397 – 433 93 – 120 30 – 40 3 – 3.5


405 – 600 437 – 473 123 – 150 41 – 52 4


477 – 510 153 – 180 53 – 64 4.5 – 5


605 – 780 513 – 547 183 – 210 65 – 78 5.5 – 6

Upper Intermediate

550 – 587 213 – 240 79 – 95 6.5 – 7


785 – 900 590 – 637 243 – 270 96 – 110 7.5 – 8


905 – 990 640 – 677 273 – 300 111 – 120 8.5 – 9

Upper Advanced

Top Score Top Score Top Score Top Score Top Score

Top Level

990 677 300 120 9

Upper Advanced


What is IELTS? IELTS Test

International English Language Testing System ( IELTS ) is a test of English language proficiency. It is jointly managed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, the British Council and IDP Education Australia.

IELTS Modules

Candidates may choose either the Academic Module or the General Training Module:

  • The Academic Module is intended for those wishing to enrol in universities and other institutions of higher education.
  • The General Training Module is intended for those planning to undertake non-academic training or to gain work experience, or for immigration purposes.

Where is IELTS Accepted?

IELTS is accepted by most Australian, British, Canadian, Irish, New Zealand and South African academic institutions, by many academic institutions in the United States, and also by various professional organisations.

IELTS Features

The IELTS incorporates the following features:

  • A variety of accents and writing styles are presented in text materials in order to minimise linguistic bias. The test focuses on “International English”, which includes British English, American English and other varieties.
  • IELTS tests the ability to speak, read, listen and write in English.
  • Two test formats can be chosen from – Academic and General Training.
  • Band scores are used for each language sub-skill (Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing). The Band Scale ranges from 1 (”Non User”) to 9 (”Expert User”).

What is TOEFL?

The Test Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL , pronounced “toe-full”) evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand standard American English at a college level. It is required for non-native applicants at many US and other English-speaking colleges and universities. The TOEFL is the product of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), which is contracted by the private, non-profit firm, the College Board to administer the test in institutions in the US; they also produce the SAT.

What is TOEIC?

Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) measures the ability of non-native English-speaking people to use English in everyday work activities. The Toeic was developed by ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States following a request from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry (MITI). There are an estimated 3 million test takers per year.

TOEFL Equivalency Table

Do you find all of the different English language test scores confusing? Do you have trouble comparing a IELTS score to a TOEFL score? Well, that’s understandable because there are a number of different language tests and they all have different systems. Even the TOEFL Paper Based Test, TOEFL Computer Based Test (TOEFL CBT), and TOEFL Internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) all have different scoring schemes.





English in AU: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/2007/09/18/3-english-in-australia-2/

АйЭЛТС 6,5 авах: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/2008/01/06/ielts-experience/

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95 Responses to “Англи хэл-IELTS”

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hi tanai site iin uil ajillagaand uneheer setgel hangaluun bdag shuu. hund tusalj bgaa humuusiin ajil uils ch urgelj butemjtei bdag bh. neg zuil todruulah gesen yum. ajillah sonirholtoi humuus zaaval general ielts iig n uguh yumuu. academic iig n uguh hereggui yu? tnx

Er ni bol General IELTS-g ni ogno. Academic-ni zovhon Student visa-nii requirement bolovch Academic IELTS-n onoog uzuuleed PR-n visa-nii amjilttai hariu avch baisan humuusiig bas medne.

IELTS-iin 5.0 onootoi. 2 sarin dotor 6.5 bolgomoor ba. yah u? yaj hicheellebel zuger ve? nadad zoblogoo ogooch

nadaas IELTS-n nomuud avah yum u? Australia-d ogloo 9-s oroi 3pm hurtel odor bur hicheellehed 10 weeks tutamd (3 sar) IELTS-n 0.5 onoo ahidag gej uzdeg. 5.0-s 6.5 hurehed 30 weeks buyu 8-9 sariin full-time English study shaardlagatai yum genee. Gehdee chi biyee daichlaad, sain guriigeed baival hurdan ahij bolno. Gol ni practice & practice, bas good books & materials. Practice dotroo english chat, talk, listening bas include shuu! hun buriin surah arga baril uur bolohoor chamd uunees oor specific advise ogoh bolomjgui baihoo.

amjilt shuu!


oo mash ih bayarlalaa hurdan hariu ogsond. Nomnii hubid bi netees zarim nomnuud olson. Tuhailbal, 101 helpful hints for ielts, cambride practice tests for ielts-1,2,3,4, preperation and practice, practice now geh metchilen. ed naraas oor gaigui gj bodson material bval send hiigeech please. gol n speakind bolon writing hesgeee tulhuu saijruulmaar bgaa umaa.
tuslaltsaa uzuulj bgad uneher ih bayarlaj ba shoo
hundetgesen Ariuk

AU-d ajillaxad IELTS-n xeden onootoi b.x shaardlagatai ve ???

bolj ogvol 6.0-s ih. ih ontsgoi ereltnii mergejiltei, AU sponsortoi bol 4.5+

yaj shalgaltaa ogdog ym be? Mongold xaana burtguulex ve?

bayarlalaa 6 sariin burtgel duuschij ee hehe 8 sard l uzeed aldaxaas

hi, neg yum asuuh gesen yumaa, bi mastert tetgelegeer suraltsah huseltei bga yumaa, uunii tuld yaj herhen apply hiihuu? AUS-t yamar ymar gazar tetgeleg olgodog ve? /masteriin/ tegd shaardlaga ne zereg asuultand hariu pls

tetgeleg bur ooriin shalguurtai, deadline-tai. aus-d mash olon yanziin tetgeleg-r master, ph.d-d mglchuud suraltsaj bn. gol shalguur IELTS-n 6.5 onoo!


How to study in AU

Business-n Master-n zereg hamgaalahaasaa umnu Australiad ochij helnii surguulid n suuj baigaad IELTS-g n ugvul yamar ve? Une tulbur n bodvol hamgiin bagadaa 6-n saraar baih te? Melborne hotod ochij suraltsana gej tululvul yamar une hanashtai baih bol? Uneniin huvid hyamd tululuguu yamar baih ve? Ochij zardal + Hool, huns + surgaltiin tulbur = ?

Hi Guest-aa.
Bi Melbourne-d amidardag yum. Exneriin xamt sard 2000$ zardal gargadag. Gexdee xuvi xunees xamaaraad ene uniig 200-300$-r xemnevel bolox bx. Minii suusan 15 doloo xonogiin course 5500 orchim bolson. Yer ni 1 doloo xonogiin une 370$ ba neg coursiin xugacaa 5n doloo xonog bdag yum.
Chinii xlenii tuvshnees xamaaraad xelnii course-iin xugacaa garna. Dood tal ni 5n doloo xonog tegeed l deesheegee. Bi IELTS 6.0-tai ireed 3x5doloo xonog sursan yum.

Ene udriin mend, Bavaasan, Gegeen.
Medeelel ugsun ih bayarlalaa. Ugsun medeelelteig uzeed irgeed haritseye 🙂

Minii turshlagatai xolbootoi yum bval sain zuvlulguu uguxiig xicheene ee. 8 sariin turshlagatai gej bgaa xexe.

Bavaasan andad Guest bolon busad unshigchidiin umnuus mash ih talarhlaa. Husvel http://www.gegeen.com -n author, contributer-n erh neelgeed medeh zuilseesee site-nd nemerlej bolno shuu, iishee orooroi

Socializing Online MNnOZ

Guest-d helehed doorh bichleg deer eronhii oilgolt avah medeelluud baigaa baih. Hun hunii amidraliin bolomj, heregtsee, hereglee ni oor bolohoor ter tediig, ene hediig hereglejee l gehgui bol ih baga yanz buriin l too bichih boloh baih.

Mongolians About Australia

IELTS-g ireed ogvol MGL-d ogohoos gaigui dugnedeg yum shig sanagddag shuu. 6 sariin english course hamgiin hyamd 3400aud, er ni dundjaar 7000aud baidag daa. Bolj ogvol IELTS-n 5.0-oo avchihaad, 10 weeks (3sar) tutamd IELTS-n 0.5 onoogoor ahihaar tootsoj helnii course-n hugatsaagaa songood, plus MBA-dee urgeljluulj surahaar ireh heregtei.

IELTS Requirements Visa or Uni

English Requirements

Melbourne-nii huvid ortog ondorteid tootsogdoh AU-n 2 dahi tom hot
deerh 2 hun melb-n talaar neleen yum blogtoo tavisan bn lee. Heregtei gej uzvel AU-tai holbootoi bichleguudiinh ni tuuver end baigaa:

Mongolians About Australia

Ochij zardal + Hool, huns + surgaltiin tulbur = (500usd for visa 1000usd for flight) + (30$-100$ per week) + (300$ per week) -> huneesee, surguuliasaa, heregleeneesee hamaarch mash ih helbelzene!

sain uu?bi aus d ochij surah sonirholtoi bgama.tiishe yavahiin tuld yug golchlon anhaarah heregtei be

Bichleguudeedtei taniltsalaa,
Ochihood helnii course-d surch baih hugatsaandaa butsaj surgaltiin tulburuu hiih bolomj ih baga yum baina te? Endees yavahdaa bank-r damjuulj surgaltiin zeel avch yavah bodoltoi baisan bolovch bichsen medeelluudtei taniltsaad bolomjgui gedgiig oilgolloo. Tegeheer hervee bi surahaar ochihiin tuld endee IELTS-n test-g 6.5 hurtel sursanii daraa l munguu asuudal haritsangui baga boloh yum baina. Tegeheer
huviaraa helnii course deer n bas master-n hutulber zergiig surch baigaa humuust 10.000 orchim dollar-g shuud helnii course-r banknaas garguulj avna gej baihgui shu de.

aus din zasgiin gazriin tetgelegt hutulburt yaj hamragdah ve.helj ugch tuslaach

hehe, yugaar orood tiim buruu oilgolt avchihav. hel chini IELTS 6.5 hurehgui bol yadaj 5.0 av, tegvel semesteriin (6 sar) 1800aud-n college-uud baina.

2 jiliinh ni tolbor 7000usd l bolno. IELTS 5.0-s tsaash 3-6 sariin l helnii course-d suuhad bolno. uul ni eviig ni olbol humuus 8000usd dotor irtsgeej l baina, sungaad suraad l baina. chi eroosoo buh asuultuudaa, nohtsol baidaltaigaa, bas yah plantai tuhaigaa jagsaaj bicheed gegeen@yahoo.com -r @dchih. bi asuudliig sudalj uzeed hariu ogye.

ter nene scholarship hesgeer orooroi.

uul ni zuun deer baigaa Search bolon Angilaluudiig ashiglaad surchihval?

hey hi. site chin ih taalagdlaa. minii huvid ireh togsoh kursiin oyutan. mongold suraltsdag. togsood mon l australid suraltsah sonirhol ih bna. ter tusmaa tetgeleg avah heregtei. endees yavah yamar shugam bdag yum bol? medeeleltei bol helj ogj tuslaach. odoonoos haij l baiy.


sainuu nadad mash ih taalagdlaa bi english mash ih sonirhdog hel suraad 1jil boloh gjiiin bur iluu sn bolmoor bna advice odooch . neteer yaj surah uu? i dont know well

hun buriin surah arga baril oor bolohoor oor humuusiin yaj suraltssan tuuhees sonirhvol neleen yum medej avch magadgui. tsendeeg tsendeegees busad ni medehgui bolohoor hudlaa zovlood yahav, gol ni practice & practice with the good books and materials l baidag sh dee.

Aнгли хэлийг яаж сурвал дээр вэ


Other English Learners

English Learning 3

English Study Books

hi. tanai web chin mash ih taalagdlaa. bi aus d ochihoosoo omno, ehleed malasia d ochij helniihee beltgeliig hangah gej bga. tegwel bi zaawal ielts ogoh shaardlaggui bizdee. bi tegej bodoj bga. tegeed ywichihwal nadad oyutnii ymar 1 n hungulult ireh bolwuuu….. urtug n bas her bol jishee n bair hool unaa, surgaltiin tulbur, aan bas yagaad aus d alid bhaar dotuur bairnii tulburoos hyamdhan bga yum bol. hariulwal bash ih bayrlan shoo. za ta nart amjilt husii. olon hund tuslaarai. bas naan chin fashion her hugjsun yum bol. zaza ta nart amjilt husiiii……….


ta malasia, singa-d ochij hel surah gej baigaa bol zov songolt hiij bui esehee ahin bodooroi, tolbor ondor, ajil hiih bolomj muu, tegeed ch mongold suraad saijruulchih bolomjtoi eronhii medleg shuu dee.

Best English Courses

malasia-d sursan hund hongololt olgono gej baihgui baih. oyutan hunii ortog zardaliin tuhaid oyutnii visa hesgees bolon australia-n mongolchuud hesgees orj haraarai.

Оюутны Визний Мэдээлэл

Mongolians About Australia

bye 4 now!

sain b.a uu. Tanai site ih taalagdlaa.Hamtran ajillah huseltei b.a.

woooo gegeenee chi yamar lag yum bee, OZ online lavlah bnashdeee, ter ielts-n nomoo bval yavuuulaach ho, bas chamd individual @ bichvel hussend maani hariulj ugj chadah uu?

viva & amgaa14 anduud @-ee uzeerei. hussen uyedee hariu bichij, medeelel avch baij bolno. welcome anytime: gegeen@yahoo.com

tanai web chini ontsgoi ih taalagdlaa gadaadad garch suraltsahad ooroosoo yug beldsen baix yamar yamar bichig barimt hereg boloh gd bvgdiig tailbarlaad heleed ogooch bi bolomjiig aldmaargvi bn please help me

gadaad gedegt ali ulsiig oruulj baigaa ve. yamar torliin visa-r irj baigaa ni medegdehgui bn. visa-nii torluud tus burdee l oor oor yum burduulj, oor oor bichig barimt shaarddag sh dee, hehe.
Australia sonirhogchdiig http://gegeen.wordpress.com/ielts shalgaltiig nen turuund ug gej zuvluh baina. surah ch baisan ajillah ch baisan academic IELTS ni iluu hereglegdeh baih. ielts-aa mgldoo ogchihood ondor onoo avchihval olon torliin visa-nd oroh bolomjtoi. humuus golduu oorsdiin bolomj, sanhuu, helnii bolon mergejliin ur chadvaraasaa hamaaran daraah torliin visa-r irtsgeej bn daa.

Student: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/2007/06/19/student-visa-2/
PR: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/category/visa-docs/pr-visa/
Tourist: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/category/visa-docs/tour-visa-docs/
Contract Worker: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/2008/01/20/visa-to-work-in-australia/

Sain uu Gegeenee bi today anh udaa tanai site-aar zochilj bna nadad mash ih taalagdlaa
bi yag endes l ergelzeetei buhniihee hariug oloh shig sanagdlaa.
Bi Aus-d Master-t surahaar tolovlood bgaan. Oct 2007 Academic IELTS ogood 5.5 avsan
Ug ni neleed hicheesen bolovch hussen onoogoo avj chadaagui
Odoo ireh August-d ogohoor tolovlood bna
Sanasnaar boldog bol shuud l 6.5 avchihmaar bna hehehe
Ta nadad zovlooch bi yaj beldvel yadaj 6 avah bolomjtoi bol?
Nadad bas sain Books and IELTS materials heregtei bna Ta nadad ogoh bolomj bgaa yu? my private maileer ilgeej ogj tuslaach

I am so happy to visit your site and proud of Gegeen and such kind Mongolians

Gunee Hundetgesen,

zolushka emailee?

IELTS 5.5 chini gaigui yum bishuu, masteriin visa-nd orj bolno.
– IELTS 6.0-r avdag masteriin programd irne gevel 10 weeks (3 sar) English course + Master’s program
– IELTS 6.5-r avdag mastert surna gevel 20 weeks (6 sar) + Master’s program gej irj bolohnee.

English Study Books

Aнгли хэлийг яаж сурвал дээр вэ

Other English Learners

chinii english uul ni gaigui Upper Intermediate tuvshind baigaa yum baina, zohih hemjeenii hel surah arga bariltai bolchihson baigaa baih. chi gegeen@yahoo.com ruu emaildeed IELTS-n nom avyaa geed neg bicheed uzehgui yu dee.

Oyutnii visa & Helnii shalguuriin talaar:

Оюутны Визний Мэдээлэл

AU-d angaahaar suraltsah bolomjtoi yu ??
Shalguur ni yu baih boloo helnii tuvshin ene ter ni yamar baih estoi yum boloo tuslaach please

Bolomjtoigoor barah uu.
– IELTS-n onootoi yu?
– anagaahaar bachelor, master, ph.d yag yund surah gej bn?
– sanhuugee yaj shiideh bodoltoi baina?

ehleed doorh page-uudiin contenttoi mash sain taniltsaad, helnii shalguuruudiig ni haraad, une hansh sudlaad tegeed zohih medlegteigeer asuultaa tavina u?

Оюутны Визний Мэдээлэл

Scholarship Search

thanks all yor n bol Aus tuhai medeellig chin setgeleesee bichij zovlomj ugsund big thanks, bi bas AUS yavah hyselt bn….jhon sudalj bgaad ochinoo

Australia-d uulzahiin yerool taviya, medeh hureeniihee medeelliig haramgui huvaaltsana shuu, asuuh yum baival @deerei. gegeen@yahoo.com

hi gegeenee
instutional toefl gdg shig instutional ielts gj bdiinmu? tuvshin togtooh oor tiim ielts avdag gazar ba u? MGLd.

er ni ESPI ch yum u, oor helnii course-n IELTS-n angiud orohoos chini umnu tovshin togtooh shalgalt avdag sh dee, hoo. ooroo IELTS test bogloj uzeed hed avahaa bas harj bolno. harin tovshing ni zovshoordog alban bus oor IELTS-n shalgalt baidag esehiig medehgui yum, ESPI-n IELTS-n angi togsohoor neg shalgalt avaad IELTS-nh shig certificate ogood baidag. humuusees asuugaadhaya. esvel http://www.ielts.org -s orood haigaad uz dee

IELTS-ogoh geed nom avah gesen yanz buriin nomnuud baih yum. Sanal bolgoh nom baina uu?

Gegeenee. AUS-d ochihiig maash ih husej bn. Banknii batalgaa hed bh yostoi yum boloo. Bi neg garaar zuuchluulya gesen chini 25.0$ bh yostoi geed bnaa. Ene mongo bol gants bie emegei hun ter tusmaa ulsiin baiguullagad ajilladag hund hetsuu l bn. Ene talaar zowolgoo ogooch.

gegeen@yahoo.com -r email bicheerei. cheers

hi ta buhnii site-aar zochloh bolgondoo bayartai bdg shuu.bi toriin sangiin zeeleer master-t yavah sonirholtoi bgaa yum.IELTS-iin shalgalt mon ogoh geed…mongold ali surgaltiin tov ni zugeer bsan bee?bi yunaas ehelj hodolvol hugatsaa bolon zardal hemneh talaar helj ogno uu?

yag IELTS-n surgaltand suuya gevel ESPI deer 3 weeks-n IELTS-n tuhai taniltsuulgiin course baidag. Helnii tovshin chini gaigui bol tovshingoo togtoolgood ene course-d suugaad uzchihed gemgui. Santis, English storm bas helee saijruulahad nemertei:

Best English Courses

Toriin sangiin zeeleer mastert yavahdaa zaaval australia-g sonirhood baigaa hereg uu. Er ni bol IELTS, TOEFL-oo yaraltai ogood, surguulia hootsoldood ehelchihed gemgui.

School Offer Letter

zaaval Australia yavah huseltei bgaa yum aa.nadad tuslaarai bi ter taniltsuulah kurs-d yavaad uzii.tegeed tuslaltsaa ta buhnees avii.uneheer ih bayarlalaa

hi tanai site mash ih taalagdlaa,nada mash ih zuvulguu ugluu.bi australia zaaval yavah shaardlagatai bgaalda.tgd eilts-exam uguh gd beldeh gl bj bn.neter surahiin tuld nom surah bichig yamar site-uudaar orj medeh bolomjtoig helj ugch tuslaach,mun bie daan surj sudlahad yamar surah bichig shaardlagatai ve?

hi.bas dahin tnx.IELTS-n nomoo send hiigeeech gegeenee.bas ene shalgaltiig ogohgyigee ochij hel surna gd yavj boloh uu. tend ochood helee sursniihaa daraagaar oor mergejileer surna gvl ortog byr ondor tusah uu?helnii course-dee suuj bh hugatsaandaa surguuliinhaa tolboriig ajil hiij oloh bolomj hir bna?ogohgyigeer yavj boloh l geh gd bna.

eniig uzeerei.

Гэгээний Төрсөн Өдөр-Өнөөдөр 1 ой хүрлээ

ajil hiih bolomj olgodog hyamd gazruudiin surgaltiin chanar jaahan muu tul ta sain bodooroi.

Sain uu Gegeeenee. Tanai site mash ih taalagdlaa. Gegeeleg gej bolohoor site bna. Nadad IELTS-n surah bichig, materialuudiig minii huviin hayagaar yavuulj boloh uu. Bayarlalaa.

sain u batuka andaa, heregtei medeellee olj avch chadsan bol bid tanii omnoos mash ih happy bainaa.

gokshindoo ajilladag email hayagnaasaa gegeen@yahoo.com -r email bichee. bi butsaagaad e-book yavuulya

Hello, I really appriciate your information

Hi naizuudaa! bi Mongoloos zahia bichij b.a. Bi bas angli hel surch baigaa EILTS uguh zorilgotoi, Gehdee tiim ch amar bish yum aa. Ta buhnii zuvluguug avaad uram orj b.gaa ba tsaashid ulam shamdana surna. naizuudaa EILTS-d beltgeh nom baival ugch tuslaach. Gegeen.com EILTS beltgeh nom b.na gesen nad ruu send hiigeech please.

Gegeen chi mash sain hun baina. Mash olon hun hussen zuilee todorhoi hemjeegeer medej avsan baih gej naidaj baina. Bi ch bas medej avlaa. Chamd bolon niit hereglegchded Amjilt husiE. ZoK. NSW 2011

Neeree oiroltsoo amidardag humuus mail bicheerei. tnx a lot

Hi dear,
I need Preparing Materials for IETLS-General Training.
Please Send me any useful and helpful materials that you may have.
I am planning to set for the Exam this Spring.
waiting for your response,

Hi bi IETLS-n sonsoh material tanai saitaas huleej avsn . Gevch odoo boltol sonsoj chadsangui. Yaj sonsohoo medehgui bn . Tuslana u

Shalgaltand beldeh material haij bgaa hun burt: IELTSiin material http://www.miniih.com -oos avaarai. Mongo tolj hudaldaj avah shaardlagagui. Download hiigeel boloo. Good luck

My apologies. miniih.com geheer orohgui bgaan bnaa. Here is the correct address… http://www.miniih.com/mini/index.m

site chin mash ur uguujtei yumaa, uneheer taalagddag. hamgiin amid website

tm deerh heldeg unen, manai ali ch gadaad dahi elchinguud gegeen-ii daitai ajillah ni bitii hel, tsalin avaad hiij bgaa undsen uurgee ch medku

kkk, bayarlalaa m, javhaa 2-oo. ichinguiren balairsan dur uzuulj zoligtood yahav.

urmiin ugsiig chini hamt olondoo damjuulnaa. aussie-d mgl elchintei boloh gej baigaa, hamtarch ajillah, hiij buteeh zuils bishgui l sanaand buuj baigaa.

site-n visitoruud ta bugd ch gesen bidend ih olon shine sanaa ogch, sonirholtoi asuultuud tavij, bidniig heregtei medeelliin erel haiguuld bainga hotolj baidagt ni bid ih bayarlaj yavdag shuu.

ta nartaa ch bas bayarlalaa. haanii alba halaatai, eznii alba eeljtei. ta nar shig tsoglog zaluus bidnees iluu yum setgej, baigaa baigaa gazraa baharhmaar amjilt gargana gedegt itgej yavdag shuu. amjilt husye!



hi. site chini ih taalagdlaa. english surahad shaardlagatai material, zuvluguu ugch tuslaach. minii mail hayag ruu yavuulbal tun ih bayarlah bna. thanks

gegeen@yahoo.com ruu email bicheed IELTS-n ebook avch bolno. zuvluguunii huvid mergejliinhend handsan ni deer baihaa. deer baigaa busad mglchuudiin zovlogoog bas anhaaraltai unsh. tanitai tostei case-tei hun bas baij magadguishdee. chimegee gej hunii odoogiin helnii tovshin, yamar style-r suraltsdag talaar bid gadarlah ni buu hel dotorloh ch gui baigaa tul niitleg zovlogoo boloh practice and practice with good books and materials gedgiig l davtan heleh baina daa. santis, espi-d bas suratlsaj boliishdee. maniig bodvol hamaagui iluu turshlagatai, zaah arga zui, helnii surgalt, ur duntei arguud geh metiig saitar sudalsan bagsh nartai bailgui.

Best English Courses

Sain bna uu. Tanai sait ih taalagdlaa. bi uneniig helehed english-dee taaruu. Surhiig mash ih husej bna. helnii surgaltiig australiad ni ochood surah mon tsaash ni Mastert surahad her udaan hugatsaa shaardagdah be. Erchim huchnii menegment togsson yum aa. Ene ni masteriin yamar chigleliig songohod dohom boloh be. zaaval helendee sain hun naana chini surah uu.

Bi IELTS-iin 5.0 onootoi /bi 31 nastai ohin 6 nastai, nuhuriin hamt amidardag/ 2.5 jiliin collegiin surgaltand suraltsah vizind oroh gesen yum bolomjtoi yu. Bi 1999 ond Humuunlegiin ih surguuliig, ger buliin hun Anagaahiin Em zuin angiig tugssun. ene namartaa amjij ger buliin hamt vizina -nd oroh bolomj bna uu .

ganaa-d: englishee surchihaad iree. esvel tiim ih mongotei hun yum u. helnii course-nhend mongo hiih bolomj ni baga, het hyamd surgaltuudiin chanar muu. helgui bol ajil olohod bas tiim ch amarhangui. end tanidag huntei bol harin gaigui baih. eniig uz:

Монгол Оюутнууд Австралийн их сургуулиудын талаар

bayaraa-d: bolno. eniig uz- http://www.bridgebc.com.au

Гэгээний Төрсөн Өдөр-Өнөөдөр 1 ой хүрлээ

Sain bna u? tanai saitiin yvuulj bgaa uil ajillagaa uneheeriin ih taalaglaa. yun turuund bayrlalaa gej helmeer bna. mash heregetei medeelluud tavisan bna. bi Ielts ogch avstrali esvel New Zeland yvahig husej bgaa. tanai medeelluud uneheeriin taalaglaa.

Hey! bi ene jil oyutn bolno l do. tgd 2 dugar kurs havitsagas australiad ochj surah sonirholtoi bna. unshij bhad er n IELTS ih chuhal yum bn. mongold IELTS ugdug yamar gazruud bdim bol? hze ugsun n dr bol? zuvulguu mash ih heregtei bna shuu. tnx.

Deer baigaa Post-g unshaad IELTS.org -s hailt hiih buyu ESPI deer ochij bolno. hezee belen bolno ter uyedee l ogson ni deer dee, hehe.

IELTS -d buruu hiivel ter ni onoonoos ni hasagddag yum uu?

hasah onoo gej baihgui ee.

qldmongols, thanks for your answer

Hi dear Gegeen! i am really appreciate you, thank you very much. What a gorgeous site it is! very useful Great!!! I sent you e-mail , please send me e-book as soon as possible, where are you, in Auss? i really wanna study there by master degree, i heard that australia is wonderful country with safe environment, freshh food, cool guys who consider themselves very much like going to Gym, going to any other sport clubs… every week they meet with their mom and go somewhere with her, every friday they meet with their friends, every monday they go to sport club… etc How awesome and active life!!! i really wanna go there. Someday i will be there, therefore i have to study hard, this october i will give IELTS test … i am trying to practice my english by every possible way that i found. I read old and interesting english books (without dictionary, to use dic all the time seems so boring ), i chat with my friend in english. Write me soon dear! Thanks a lot again, i found out a lot necessary thing from here. Nice to meet you.

Hi Jagaana, check your email for some IELTS e-books. It’s nice to see that you can express yourself in english so greatly. We believe that people like you can surely achieve whatever they want and good luck mate for your Future studies in OZ. Your way of studying english without dictionary is the perfect learning style and it’s good that you’ve got some friends to chat in english. You can deserve more and you see you have more. Keep learning hard!

All the best my friend!
GGN Team

Sain u? Gegeene
Bi Ieltsiin 6.0 avsan. Ehleed helnii kursd suraad mastert oroh sanaatai. Nadad hed heden asuultuud baina . Hariulj ugch tuslana u?
1.Australid ochij amidrah-d her ve?
2.Ochood ajiliin oldots her bol? Suraad ajilval her berhsheeltei bol?
3.Tsagiin tsalin dundjaar hed ve?
4. Sydney’d heden mgl chuud baidag ve?
5.Bair jijig studio her unetei ve/sariin /?
6.Er ni azi uudad OZ chuud her handdag bol?
7.Er ni ajillaval dundaj tsalin ni 2000 USD oloh u?

Sain baina u? Gegeend mash ikh bayarlalaa.
Bi Aus visend materialaa yavuulah gej baina. Banknii batalgaanii devteriig scannerdaad yanzluulaad notariat-r batluulaad yavuulah gej baina. Her ikh shalgah bol? tamga temdeg ene teriig? zuvluguu ugch tuslana u?


Sn sn,
1.Australid ochij amidrah-d her ve?
1. Dajgui sh dee. Huneesee l hamaarah biz. Yamar ch baisan orlogo, amidraliin chanaraar delhiid ehnii 3-t ordog (NUB-n sudalgaagaar)

2.Ochood ajiliin oldots her bol? Suraad ajilval her berhsheeltei bol?
2. Er ni bol hotoosoo hamaarnaa. Tom hotuudaar surch, ajillahad asuudalgui. Gehdee bas l huneesee hamaarna. Ta Australia gesen page-deer australia dahi mglchuudiin temdegleliig olj bolno. Surahiin hajuugaar ajillah buh bolomj burdsen gazar.

3.Tsagiin tsalin dundjaar hed ve?
Hodolmoriin holsnii dood hemjee 13.7$, dundjaar har ajluud tsagiin 15-18$ baidag. Hotoosoo hamaaraad 20-45$ hurgeh bolomj bas baidag.

4. Sydney’d heden mgl chuud baidag ve?
odoo er ni 1000 garsan baihaa. Consuliin burtgeltei ni nodningiin baidlaar 200-300 l baisan gedeg.

5.Bair jijig studio her unetei ve/sariin /?
doloo honogiin 120-270$ (hotoosoo hamaarna)

6.Er ni azi uudad OZ chuud her handdag bol?
mash taatai handdag. ihenh ni aziud sh dee. Australia ni ooroo Asia-Pacific country baihgui yu.

7.Er ni ajillaval dundaj tsalin ni 2000 USD oloh u?
Surahiin hajuugaarh orlogo yarij baina uu? Har ajlaar full-time ajillahad er ni sariin 3000$ bol hongohon olchihnoo. Amraltiin 4 sard buten ajilladaggui, PT-r odriin 4 tsag ajilladag oyutnuud bol sariin 1500$ oldog l gedeg. Huneesee l hamaarna daa. Medeej sardaa har ajlaar 7000$ oldog mgl hun ch baidag. Bolomj bol baina, bolomjiig ashiglaj chadahgui humuus l gej baidag daa

tuya minee, iimerhuu yumiig ingej hamaagui public-t zarlaad yavaad baij bolj baigaamuu. esvel odood baina uu? chatand orood ir, ene australia-d chini hunii muud durtai olbon mglchuud hed hed bii shuu. ted chinii situats-g oilgohgui, oilgohiig ch husehgui ni oilgomjtoi. hoishid bolgoomjtoi bai. huviin asuultuudaa huviin shugamaar hariltsaj todruulj baigaarai. end chini mgl shig bish shuu dee, mgl dahi mglchuudiin asuudliin talaar gadarladag humuus ni ch tsoorchihson, end baigaa hediigee bolohgui butehgui talaas ni l uhaj tonhood baidag humuus ni nemegdchihsen gazar. alsdaa saijrah yum uu gui yu buu med.

Turgen shuurhai hariult ugsundmash ikh bayarlalaa,
Tani ajil amidrald sain saikhniig husye

u r very welcome mate! keep up your kindness, sweetie. try using the different name later as it might be confused with the real gegeen.

Big good luck to you too

Thanks a lot dear nswmongols! You gave me more energy, i will try my best. I received e-book, thank you again. Best wishes for you!!!

hi everbody
nadad Australia.d gaigui haymdhan helnii course olhod tuslaach.

ta buheniig hundetgesen baysaa.

aanhaan, eniig harsan u:

Affordable Studies

materialuudaa burduuleed info@bridgebc.com.au -r yavuulchihaa. bidneer urilga hootsolduulye gevel bid sanhuugiin materialiig chini belen bolohoor hootsoldoj ogye. tegehgui bol urilga avahuulchihaad visa-ndee orj chaddaggui mongolchuud olon baidag bolohoor surguuliud ni urilgaa ogohdoo durgui bolchihdog yumaa. gegeen@yahoo.com -r nariivchilsan details-ee asuuj sonirhooroi.

Australia dahi Mongolchuudiin amidraliin tuhai endees haraarai: http://gegeen.wordpress.com/aud-vs-usd/

baysaa-daa amjilt husyee! Australia-d uulzhiin yerool taviya

Sain u Gegeenee. Bi Australi-d helnii kurst yavah sanaatai bna. Nasnii zaag bdag bolov u. Yamar material burduuleh ve? Viza garah magadlal her bdgag ve? Kurs ni hedees heden sar bdag ve?
Helj ugch tuslaach

Bas Gegeenee chi nadad tusalj urilga olj ugch chadah u?

Mastert surahiinhaa hajuugaar ajillahad daraa jiliinhaa tolboriig olongoo mongo hurimtluulah bolomjtoi bdag uu? tanai mon2aus.com-ruu orj unshihad Австралид ажил хийж олсон мєнгєєрєє сургалтын болон амьжиргааны зардлаа нєхєхєєр тооцох хэрэггvй gesen bna.tegeheer surgaltiin tolboroo tsalingaaraa toloh bolomjgui gesen ug uu?

nyamaa email bicheerei. gegeen@yahoo.com

nancy-d: eniig haraarai.

Bachelor Student

er ni bol huneesee l boldog asuudal sh dee. sydney-n huvid ondor orlogotoi, semesteriin 8-9000$-n tolboroo ooroo tolood yavdag, amidrah zardalaa oldog huuhduud mer ser bii. oor mujaas ch gesen gants 2 gaigui huuhduud baih ni baidag. gehdee hun bolgon tiim chadvartai yu gevel ugui. uul ni zunii amraltaar 4 sar, ovliin amraltaar 1 sar full-time ajillah erh oyutnuudad baidag. busad uyed ni doloo honogiin 20 tsagaar part-time ajillah erhtei.

bolomj bol baidag, harin bolomjiig ashiglaj chaddaggui humuus ni olon baidag ni amidraliin huuli shuu dee, tegeheer huneesee l hamaarah yumiig haa hamaagui, heniig ni ch medehgui nancy gej hun yag chadna, chadahgui gej helj bolohgui l dee hoo. ihenh zovlogoo ogch baigaa humuus chaddaggui humuus baidag uchraas tand itgeltei zovlogoo ogch chadaagui baih. ta chadsan humuustei ni holbogdoj chadval arai oor yum sonsono gej bodoj bn. gehdee ingej chaddaguud ni nancy baitugaid ni oldoj barigdah zav muutai l humuus dee. anyway, good luck mate!

Thank you very much. All of best Gegeen!!!

sain bna uu? bi ene havar deed surguul tugsuj bga yum. daraa jilees masteree angld avah gesen yum. IELTS shalgalt manaid haana uguj boldog yum bol?haana yamar kurst suuval deer ve? bayarllaa

End EPS geed tuv bdag yumaa. Tis-iin 2-r bairnii hoino tend IELTS shalgalt avdag mun tendee kursad ni suusan ni deeree bi tuund suuna gej bodoj bgaaa arai ter hemjeend hurch amjaagui bna. Tedniih sain gesen ochood uulzaad uzeerei nzaa. Tegeed medeej Good luck.


IELTS Test Center in Mongolia: http://www.ielts.org

Official website of ESPF Institute: http://www.esp.mn/
ESP Institute
IELTS Administrator
Central Post Office
Box 840

Tel: +976 11 319168 / +976 11 324313 / +976 99864183
Fax: +976 11 319168
Email: ielts@esp.mn
Web: http://www.esp.mn

Test Fee: GBP62.96 (US$119, at exchange rate of 1.89).

bayarlla, ochood burtguulchihlee:) ta buhend ch undur amjilt husye!

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